

You’re welcome
You’re Still Welcome

Chapter IV – Part II

Sorry I didn’t update the last two weeks I was sleeping.
Sorry I didn’t upload for three months until the comic’s 6th anniversary, I was in the shower.
Sorry I didn’t update for 5 months, I was playing the new Pokemon game.
Sorry I forgot to update for a month, I was at the store.
Sorry I uploaded on time, I couldn’t come up with a good enough excuse.
Sorry I forgot to update for 2 months, I was learning to do tax fraud.
Sorry I forgot to update for 4 months, I was trying to awkwardly cram what was supposed to be 15 chapters of exposition into a few pages.
Sorry I uploaded early, it’s the comic’s anniversary.
Sorry I uploaded on time, I forgot how to do tax evasion.

Sorry I uploaded like 11 months late, I realized tax evasion had nothing to do with my ability to create a webcomic.

Eight years. Where does the time go? Certainly not into the comic this year. I’ll try to do better than 3 pages this next year.


April first comic that is normal and canonical and you’re supposed to understand.


Chapter IV – Part I

Our weird release schedule means that I drew this page literally more than four years ago. Ain’t that fun?

This page technically took me four and a half years to make.
Still getting used to this new page layout. Might end up changing back if I can’t figure out how to do better with it.

This is a really awkward place to leave off, but I have some other projects to work on and I’m lacking in motivation to work on this. I genuinely cannot tell if a single person is actually reading this, so if you want to see updates, the best thing to help me get motivation back is to just let me know you’re reading. If you don’t know any other way to find me, I’m @ArloMates on twitter, though I prefer other avenues like discord. Heck, even if you don’t care about updates, I’m interested to see how long it takes for anyone to see this. Hiatus until December, this chapter will start to get into the stuff that really made me want to tell this story, so I’m not gonna let low readership keep me down, but if literally not one single person reads this, it’s gonna effect my speed.
My Hard Drive was destroyed and I had to redo this whole page from scratch, therefore it's the worst one.
My Hard Drive was destroyed and I had to redo this whole page from scratch, therefore it’s the worst one.
I’ll never understand why I felt the need to redraw a perfectly suitable location from chapter 2 to be way more complicated. I had the perfect excuse.
The difference in visual quality between these two pages is intentional. Yep. Let’s go with that.
Website formatting will be weird for a while.
I drew the same guy just explaining shit 12 times in this page and I never want to do a page like this again.

Chapter IV – Cover


Defenders Daily #2


Chapter III – Part III

Wow, I really phoned in the solution to this problem.
I’m gonna make an actual effort to update regularly again. Who knows if I’ll be successful, but I’d like to get at least a little farther before I give up entirely on this.

Lots of panels of firemen without seeing their faces now. This would be a cool way to build to a reveal if I had one.
Betty's flying away from a fight! What is she, chicken?
No alt text jokes today, I just like the look of this page.
Sorry this is late. I could have rushed it out on time, but I wanted to take the extra day to make sure that it came out exactly right, and I really think it paid off! This is the first page in a long time that I feel satisfied with the look of.
Now's as good a time as any to mention that many of the stick figures who wear clothes have pockets in those clothes that they can store items inside.
Historians will wonder for all time how a stick figure's ass can be as thicc as this guy's in panel 6.

Merry C-day

page one


Chapter III part 2

page 9 million

We have finally returned for our 2-year anniversary. It’s incredible how little a comic can get done in a fort-year. Since I’ve given up on getting other people to help, pages should come on a semi-regular schedule again.

page 8

page 9

page 9
page 10

Experimenting with pngs again because I only got a little burned last time.

We’re back! I’m sure that this time it will be permanent weekly updates, and I’ll never forget or get bored again. Yes-Sir-ee! Oh, and the comic’s three now. Three. Let that sink in. I made six pages this year.
Annual update! I think we can officially call this a hiatus now, though I don’t know, I have a lot more story to tell, I planned out the whole magic system between last time and this time, and making this page was pretty fun. We’ll see.